NADL Launches New Social Media Platforms to Address Public Awareness

The National Association of Dental Laboratories is pleased to announce the launch of two new social media outlets that will serve as the foundation of NADL’s ongoing public awareness campaign to address core policy objectives that promote “transparency in dentistry” and the role and value of a competently trained dental technician.

“During the last year and half, NADL facilitated a series of focus group meetings and conducted national surveys with the dental laboratory industry to gather ideas and input for the messaging of this campaign. The core of this objective has now come to fruition. The hard work comes now to ensure that the message is heard” says Henry Martin, CDT, NADL President.

The new social media outlets are:



The information gathered on these sites provides comprehensive information for the dental consumer, dentists and the dental laboratory community. The campaign to promote these sites to consumer organizations and dental organizations and the dental community will take place starting in August 2013. The goal is to encourage interested parties to include these web references on their own social media platforms so that a broader population of individuals can be reached.

“We are excited about the formal launch of these two major components of NADL’s comprehensive public awareness campaign, advocating for the role of the dental technician is paramount to NADL’s mission as an organization” says Gary Iocco, NADL President Elect and Leon Hermanides, CDT, NADL Board Member, who serve as Co-Chairs of the Public Awareness Committee.